Holding the Plumb Line

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Tent Tuesday

I’m sure you’ve all heard of “Taco Tuesday.” It’s been around for a while... Taco John’s says “it is legendary - so legendary, in fact, that we own the trademark.” It’s a day where tacos are meant to be consumed and Mexican restaurants across the States promote the party. And if you don’t feel like going out, many choose to stay home and cook (you guessed it)…tacos.

Most of us have heard of Taco Tuesday…but have you heard of “Tent Tuesday”??

If not, that’s fine because I made it up. Why Tuesday you ask? Because “Tent Friday” didn’t have quite the same ring.

Living in Eastern Iowa with winters that seem to last half the year, pushes me to get creative for our high-energy children who get a little stir-crazy.

I started to think back on some fun things from my own childhood and remembered my fondness for tents...

Much of my childhood was spent either building one, playing in one, or sleeping in one. I want my children to have that same memory!

So this winter, we will be making Tent Tuesday a thing. My children can help build it, play in it, and sleep in it.

And who knows?! Maybe we’ll get crazy and eat some tacos inside. :)

What you’ll need:

  • bed sheets (thin, flat sheets work best)

  • broom handle or long pole (we used a paint-extender pole)

  • clothespins (small and jumbo)

  • bungee cords

  • sleeping bags and pillows

  • flashlights/nightlight

  • snacks and waters